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Section: New Results

Marine and coastal systems

Multi-scale ocean modelling

We proposed in [2] a Schwarz-based domain decomposition method for solving a dispersion equation consisting on the linearized KdV equation without the advective term, using simple interface operators based on the exact transparent boundary conditions for this equation. An optimization process is performed for obtaining the approximation that provides the method with the fastest convergence to the solution of the monodomain problem.

We also moved towards more complex equations and derived in [13], [12] discrete transparent boundary conditions for a class of linearized Boussinesq equations. These conditions happen to be non-local in time and we test numerically their accuracy with a Crank-Nicolson time-discretization on a staggered grid. We used the derived transparent boundary conditions as interface conditions in a domain decomposition method, where they become local in time. We analyzed numerically their efficiency thanks to comparisons made with other interface conditions. A paper [19] is submitted for publication in addition to the aforementioned talks.

Data-model interactions

To go further with what have been explained in subsection Forcings, there are clear advantages of thresholding techniques in stochastic approaches aiming to simulate extreme events. They permit to exploit information from more data (compared to the block-maxima approach) and to explicitely model the original event. Pareto processes have been mostly used in a parametric framework, thereby using assumptions on the choce of the underlying dependence structure that may be strong. We have proposed a semi-parametric approach ([10], [11]) and we have shown the links between this semi-parametric method and the Pareto processes. A key benefit of the proposed method is to allow the generation of an unlimited number of realizations of these extreme fields. This work will be submitted for publication during the first trimester of 2019.